A Few of 2015’s Greatest Summer Songs

This is a brief list of 2015 tracks that I think sing SUMMER! They don’t have to mention the glorious season in the lyrics, but they may just have a summery feel, or a beat that reminds you of dancing on the beach or driving down the road as the sun sets. Let us know if you agree in the comments, or if you have other suggestions!

1) Love Me Like You Do – Ellie Goulding

This track reminds me of a crush or significant other that you enjoy hanging out with during the summer. It has that happy, carefree beat that reminds you of picnics under the sun and nights at the cottage.

2) Cheerleader – Omi

Okay, admit it. This song’s been stuck in your head for the past month! Maybe not the most meaningful track, but it’s got a catchy tune that you’ll be singing whether you like it or not! Oh, and you’ll be picturing yourself on the beach without a doubt.

3) Want to Want Me – Jason Derulo

Is it just me, or has Jason Derulo mastered the recipe for creating a hit song? I guarantee you won’t care who hears you when the windows are down and the sunroof is open when this track is playing on the radio…forget about dancing in your seat!

4) Love Myself – Hailee Steinfeld

There were mixed reviews on this upbeat song on Chum FM’s website, but I’m sticking to my guns when I say that I LOVE IT! It’s a freeing song that’s reminiscent of summer – it’ll have you dancing, singing, jumping up and down because you’ll realize, as long as you love yourself, who gives a damn? 😉

5) Can’t Feel My Face – The Weeknd

A little different for The Weeknd, but it totally works! This one will have you bobbing your head to the rhythm, even when you can’t feel your face! It’s nice and light, just like summer!

6) Worth It – Fifth Harmony

Give it to me, I’m worth it! Am I right? That chorus is empowering and something you could probably go jogging outside to – if that doesn’t scream summer, I don’t know what would!

7) Travesuras – Nicky Jam

Okay, I cheated. This was released in 2014. Still. Z103.5 plays it so much, I can’t help but feel the summery tune through my entire body. It’s Latino music, and it pumps you up for a night out on the town. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love this track!

8) Stitches – Shawn Mendes

As soon as this track hits the hook to the chorus, you’ll be dancing in your seat. It’s the perfect tune for a long ride in the car. I could listen to this track ten times in a row, no question about it!

9) Renegades – X Ambassadors

All right, where’s my Jeep Wrangler? This tune makes you feel like doing some off-road driving and becoming a renegade! Haha! No, seriously, it’ll get you pumped to do some rebellious things. 🙂

Enjoy the music,

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